Building Management

Residence Manager

Phone:  020 7734 0309 
Mobile: 07487 513 653

Your Residence Manager will be based at the front desk from 8:00am to 5:00pm and will be available for any requests or queries you may have relating to your property or tenancy. 

Your Security Manager will be at the front desk 24 hours a day with change overs happening at 7am and 7pm.

On Site Engineer

For three days a week, a maintenance engineer will be based at the building in order to be able to promptly address any maintenance issues that may occur within your home. To book a repair, please contact the Residence Manager who will liaise as necessary with the onsite engineer. For urgent issues occurring on days where the engineer is not based at 12 Sherwood Street, an alternative engineer will be called out to progress a speedy resolution.

Property Manager - JLL

Email Mobile        07511 440 481
JLL are a specialist building and property management company and are responsible for your tenancy at 12 Sherwood Street. JLL hold overall responsibility for the running of the building, overseeing your Residence Manager and the on-site engineer. 

24 Hour Maintenance Help Desk 

Telephone number: 01480 484 932  Email: 
Any maintenance issues should be reported to our dedicated helpdesk service. This service is the quickest and most effective way to receive urgent action and attention. Our dedicated helpdesk service is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Whether your issue occurs within working hours or out of hours - the helpdesk is your first point of contact. 
It is worth noting that, whilst the helpdesk responds swiftly to emails, phone calls are answered within seconds. For the avoidance of doubt, problems with domestic appliances (dishwashers, washing machines, etc.) are not considered to be an emergency. This may mean appointments for repair are only arranged within working hours.

Emergency Services

  • Emergency - 999
  • Non-Emergency - 101
  • Emergencies - 999 
  • Non-Emergency – 101
Fire Brigade 
  • (Emergency only) - 999


If you wish to make a complaint, please email your Property Manager or Please note, JLL’s full complaints handling procedure is available on our website –